Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Employee equal Suffering?

If you choose to reading company, I know…you are the ONE, the ONE who work like a cow like a dog!!!
Don’t you?!
When we invite and go for the interview, the situation just like…Awesome? Ya, is Awesome~ Those company’s staff all look like friendly~ The interviewer sound good and seem like a lot of benefit they can offer.
Okay, received the confirmation from the company and start to work.
(1 or 2 months later…)
What the xxxx men! What going on?! People start to point you from the back, you never did anything but people said you are playing politic in the office. You work like shit until late night and Boss deduct your salary just because your 15 mins in the morning (some more mrt service down not your fault)
Boss like to saying this “Continue like this, believe us, we will pay you more on your bonus
What going on after this?
Give you a lot of works, ask you to do for two jobs scope work. Bloody hell!!! Boss fired people and ask you to do! Okay, fine. Fight for the bonus.
But end up? You get nothing! Am I right?! The new year, your Boss trying to talk around and trying to skip your Salary Adjustment or Increment!!!
That why we must take the first step!!! Build our own business!!! Don’t work for your Boss!!! You must earn for yourself and not earn for him to play you around!!!

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