Fast & Furious 6 Coming Soon
I wait it for so long already men...
Did you guys watched all the season?
Friday, March 29, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Billionaire not a Dream If you doing it right :) [Empower Network]
Billionaire is every one's dream...
But you can make it become true and not just a dream, a day dream.
At here, EN - Empower Network, it provide you the opportunity to success and achieve your goal. It just depend on you. Do you ready to get start and get closer with your BILLIONAIRE?! Empower Network welcome you :)
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
What is Love? Chris Rock gonna tell you this
What is Love?
"if you never think to kill the mother fucker, you ain't been in love"
It so true~~~
I'm agree what he said, don't you?
Monday, March 25, 2013
Hatch Pet~ Hatch Pet~ Hatch Pet~
This is the new iphone apps (Games) and it will launch soon :)
Now go to to adopt your Pet now >.< Weeeeee
Sunday, March 24, 2013
NeYo New Song [Tonight ft. Jessica Sanchez]
I love this song a lot :)
Jessica Sanchez - Tonight ft. Ne-Yo
This entry was posted in Youtube Popular Video
Tags: Jessica, Jessica Sanchez - Tonight, Jessica Sanchez - Tonight ft. Ne-Yo,Sanchez, Tonight, Tonight ft. Ne-Yo
Tags: Jessica, Jessica Sanchez - Tonight, Jessica Sanchez - Tonight ft. Ne-Yo,Sanchez, Tonight, Tonight ft. Ne-Yo
Thursday, March 21, 2013
This Summer you Gonna watch this Movie [Despicable Me 2]
This summer you gonna watch this movie. Its awesome - Despicable Me 2
Tags: Despicable, Despicable 2, Despicable Me 2, summer, This summer
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Feel This Moment [Feel the Empower Network] Work from Home
Dude you gonna listen to this, Pit Bull new song and it quiet suitable for Empower Network - the work from home system. You gonna Feel the Amazing Moment when you get into Empower Network. Your income gonna roll and roll, getting much and much :)
Don't believe it? Check it out :)
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
#10 Y.X Juice [DIY Fruit Juice][ 养心果汁– 自制果汁/减肥]
DIY Fruit Juice 10: Y.X Juice
Item: Pear x 2, apple x 1, Lemon
1) Pear and Apple peel and remove seed, then cut into pieces.
2) Put all into blender and blend it
3) After that add some Lemon juicy and Done J
You can add in some Ice Cube or keep it in fridge~~~
1) Pear and Apple peel and remove seed, then cut into pieces.
2) Put all into blender and blend it
3) After that add some Lemon juicy and Done J
You can add in some Ice Cube or keep it in fridge~~~
材料:梨x 2,苹果x 1,柠檬
1) 将梨和苹果洗净.去皮及核,然后切块
2) 把梨和苹果放进搅拌机打成汁
3) 最后加一些柠檬汁就可以喝了
1) 将梨和苹果洗净.去皮及核,然后切块
2) 把梨和苹果放进搅拌机打成汁
3) 最后加一些柠檬汁就可以喝了
This entry was posted in DIY Fruit Juice [自制果汁]
Tags: DIY fruit juice, Fruit juice, juice, Y.X Juice, 养心果汁, 减肥果汁, 果汁, 自制果汁
Tags: DIY fruit juice, Fruit juice, juice, Y.X Juice, 养心果汁, 减肥果汁, 果汁, 自制果汁
Monday, March 18, 2013
#9 Carrot Orange Juice [DIY Fruit Juice][ 胡萝卜橙美颜汁– 自制果汁/减肥]
DIY Fruit Juice 9: Carrot Orange Juice
Item: Carrot, Orange, Lemon, Honey
1) Cut Carrot into pieces
2) Peel the orange and cut into small pieces
3) Put the Carrot and Orange into blender and blend it.
4) After blend, add in some lemon juicy and honey, then Done~
You can add in some Ice Cube or keep it in fridge~~~
1) Cut Carrot into pieces
2) Peel the orange and cut into small pieces
3) Put the Carrot and Orange into blender and blend it.
4) After blend, add in some lemon juicy and honey, then Done~
You can add in some Ice Cube or keep it in fridge~~~
This DIY fruit juice is so simple to make, but it not only help you whitening skin, it also improve your Metabolism and blood circulation.
1) 胡萝卜切块
2) 橙剥皮切块
3) 把胡萝卜和橙放进搅拌机打成果汁。
4) 现在加入适量的柠檬汁、 蜂蜜就可以享用了和
1) 胡萝卜切块
2) 橙剥皮切块
3) 把胡萝卜和橙放进搅拌机打成果汁。
4) 现在加入适量的柠檬汁、 蜂蜜就可以享用了和
This entry was posted in DIY Fruit Juice [自制果汁]
Tags: blood circulation, DIY fruit juice, Fruit juice, honey, improve Metabolism,lemon juicy, whitening skin, 减肥果汁, 刺激皮肤的新陈代谢, 增进血液回圈, 果汁, 美容健肤, 美白冰冻饮品, 美颜汁, 胡萝卜橙美颜汁, 自制, 自制果汁
Tags: blood circulation, DIY fruit juice, Fruit juice, honey, improve Metabolism,lemon juicy, whitening skin, 减肥果汁, 刺激皮肤的新陈代谢, 增进血液回圈, 果汁, 美容健肤, 美白冰冻饮品, 美颜汁, 胡萝卜橙美颜汁, 自制, 自制果汁
Sunday, March 17, 2013
#8 Kiwi Apple Juice [DIY Healthy/Slimming Fruit Juice][ 奇异果苹果汁 – 自制果汁/减肥]
DIY Fruit Juice 8: Kiwi Apple Juice
Item: Kiwi x 3, Apple x 1, Mint leaves x 2 or 3
1) Peel the Kiwi and cut into 4 pieces
2) Cut the apple into small pieces, no need to peel
3) Put the Kiwi and Apple into blender and add in mint leaves.
3) After blend, it is done. You can add in some Ice Cube or keep it in fridge~~~
You gonna like this juice because of its mint favor~
1) Peel the Kiwi and cut into 4 pieces
2) Cut the apple into small pieces, no need to peel
3) Put the Kiwi and Apple into blender and add in mint leaves.
3) After blend, it is done. You can add in some Ice Cube or keep it in fridge~~~
You gonna like this juice because of its mint favor~
This DIY fruit juice can help you whitening skin, reduce skin wrinkle~
材料:奇异果x 3、苹果 x 1、薄荷叶2-3片。
1) 奇异果削皮,切成四块,
2) 苹果不必削皮,去核切块。
3) 把材料放入搅拌机再加入薄荷叶一起打成汁。
4) 搅拌均匀后即可食用,你可以把它冷藏后饮用或者加入一些冰块。
1) 奇异果削皮,切成四块,
2) 苹果不必削皮,去核切块。
3) 把材料放入搅拌机再加入薄荷叶一起打成汁。
4) 搅拌均匀后即可食用,你可以把它冷藏后饮用或者加入一些冰块。
This entry was posted in DIY Fruit Juice [自制果汁]
Tags: DIY, DIY fruit juice, Fruit juice, Kiwi Apple Juice, reduce skin wrinkle,whitening skin, 减少皱纹, 奇异果苹果汁, 美白功效, 自制果汁
Tags: DIY, DIY fruit juice, Fruit juice, Kiwi Apple Juice, reduce skin wrinkle,whitening skin, 减少皱纹, 奇异果苹果汁, 美白功效, 自制果汁
#7 Tomato Lemon Juice [DIY Healthy/Slimming Fruit Juice][ 番茄柠檬汁 – 自制果汁/减肥]
DIY Fruit Juice 7: Tomato Lemon Juice
Item: Tomato x 2, lemon x 2, honey (If you doesn’t have, you can use sugar)
1) Tomato cut into pieces then put into the blender, add some water and blend it
2) Pour into cup, add in some honey and Lemon juicy
3) Last, add in some Ice Cube~~~ “Mmmmmmmm~ cold and nice~~”
1) Tomato cut into pieces then put into the blender, add some water and blend it
2) Pour into cup, add in some honey and Lemon juicy
3) Last, add in some Ice Cube~~~ “Mmmmmmmm~ cold and nice~~”
When it is summer time, this always is your best choice. It not only can let you feel cold, the Lemon able to whitening your skin as well due to it rich of vitamin C and this Vitamin C is anti-dark color attack your skin. Tomato can help you to release your heat and help you to detox. Additional honey will improve the result that you wish to~
材料:番茄 x 2、柠檬x 2、蜂蜜(或白糖)
1) 将番茄切块,放入搅拌机中再加点水,接着把它搅拌
2) 倒进杯后,加入蜂蜜与柠檬汁
3) 最后加入冰块 “冷冷的,香香的~)
1) 将番茄切块,放入搅拌机中再加点水,接着把它搅拌
2) 倒进杯后,加入蜂蜜与柠檬汁
3) 最后加入冰块 “冷冷的,香香的~)
This entry was posted in DIY Fruit Juice [自制果汁]
Tags: always is your best choice, DIY fruit juice, Fruit juice, summer time, Tomato Lemon Juice, vitamin C, 减肥果汁, 夏天最消暑怡人的果汁, 对抗紫外光, 抑制黑色素, 排毒美白, 果汁, 柠檬丰富的维他命C, 清热解毒, 自制果汁, 预防色斑
Tags: always is your best choice, DIY fruit juice, Fruit juice, summer time, Tomato Lemon Juice, vitamin C, 减肥果汁, 夏天最消暑怡人的果汁, 对抗紫外光, 抑制黑色素, 排毒美白, 果汁, 柠檬丰富的维他命C, 清热解毒, 自制果汁, 预防色斑
Saturday, March 16, 2013
#6 Grape Lotus Root Juice (Healthy/Slimming Fruit Juice)[葡萄莲藕汁 – 减肥果汁]
DIY Fruit Juice 6: Grape Lotus Root Juice
Item: grape, lotus root, salt
1) Wash the lotus root and cut into pieces then put into the salt water about 3-5 minutes
2) Peel the Grape and remove the seed
3) Put them into the blender and mix some water “grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”
1) Wash the lotus root and cut into pieces then put into the salt water about 3-5 minutes
2) Peel the Grape and remove the seed
3) Put them into the blender and mix some water “grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”
Done~ Let’s Drink it~~~ Hahaha
This entry was posted in DIY Fruit Juice [自制果汁]
Tags: DIY fruit juice, DIY juice, Fruit juice, Grape Lotus Root Juice, healthy fruit juice, healthy juice, juice, slimming fruit juice, 减肥果汁, 果汁, 自制减肥果汁, 葡萄莲藕汁
Tags: DIY fruit juice, DIY juice, Fruit juice, Grape Lotus Root Juice, healthy fruit juice, healthy juice, juice, slimming fruit juice, 减肥果汁, 果汁, 自制减肥果汁, 葡萄莲藕汁
Thursday, March 14, 2013
#5 DIY Fruit Juice, Skin Whitening [自制果汁-美白果汁]
DIY Fruit Juice, Skin Whitening
Item: Tomato x 2, Apple x 1, Half of Lemon, Honey (If don’t have…then use Sugar)
1) Peel the Apple then cut into small pieces, Tomato cut into pieces too.
2) Put into blender, add some water and blend it
3) Add the lemon juicy and honey~ Finished, Drink it~
1) Peel the Apple then cut into small pieces, Tomato cut into pieces too.
2) Put into blender, add some water and blend it
3) Add the lemon juicy and honey~ Finished, Drink it~
If you are lazy to use skin care and don’t like to make up, you can drink this DIY juice every day. Your skin will gonna turn back to the original color – white white, shining shining~ 
自制果汁– 美白果汁
材料:番茄x 2、苹果x 1、柠檬半个、蜂蜜 (假如没蜜糖,那就是用白糖吧~)
1) 苹果去皮然后和番茄一起切成小块
2) 放入果汁机,加一杯开水搅拌均匀
3) 倒出, 加入柠檬汁,和适量的蜂蜜搅拌均匀~ 来闻一闻,舔一舔~ 喝吧~
注意: 这果汁不需要过滤的哦~
1) 苹果去皮然后和番茄一起切成小块
2) 放入果汁机,加一杯开水搅拌均匀
3) 倒出, 加入柠檬汁,和适量的蜂蜜搅拌均匀~ 来闻一闻,舔一舔~ 喝吧~
注意: 这果汁不需要过滤的哦~
This entry was posted in DIY Fruit Juice [自制果汁]
Tags: DIY, DIY fruit juice, DIY juice, Fruit juice, honey, lemon juicy, shining shining,white white, 不爱化妆, 懒惰护肤, 美美的皮肤, 自制果汁
Tags: DIY, DIY fruit juice, DIY juice, Fruit juice, honey, lemon juicy, shining shining,white white, 不爱化妆, 懒惰护肤, 美美的皮肤, 自制果汁
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
#4 DIY Eyes Care Fruit Juice[明目果汁]
DIY Eyes Care Fruit Juice
Item: Red carrot x 2, apple x 1, half lemon, sugar
1) Apple and Carrot cut into small pieces
2) Put into blender and add half cup of water
3) After that add some lemon juicy and sugar, that its
2) Put into blender and add half cup of water
3) After that add some lemon juicy and sugar, that its
This fruit juice is good for those people work in office and always facing the computer
自制果汁4 - 明目果汁
1) 苹果和红萝卜切成小块,
2) 放入果汁机内加半杯开水搅拌
3) 过滤后加入柠檬汁和糖,搅拌均匀就可以喝了~
1) 苹果和红萝卜切成小块,
2) 放入果汁机内加半杯开水搅拌
3) 过滤后加入柠檬汁和糖,搅拌均匀就可以喝了~
疯狂上网族、苦命电脑族、股票操盘族,这果汁最适合不过了,眼睛一直盯着荧幕会很疲倦, 每周一杯,可以让你的眼睛明亮动人~水汪汪的~
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Why you must DIY fruit juice? 为什么一定要自制果汁?
Fruit Juice - colorful tasty, full vitamins, and nowadays it becomes girl’s favorite Drink fruit juice often not only good for your healthy and it also good for your skin. But, something you have to know, there some technique when you drink it. How?
1) Do not drink fruit juice in the early morning with your empty stomach
After slept over the night, our blood will become thicker. Nutritionist recommends that we should drink a cup of plain water to dilute it. If you drink you drink fruit juice at this moment, it will pressure your stomach due to the acid taste and it can’t help you to dilute the blood level.
2) The best time to drink fruit juice? Afternoon 
As a collar employee, they are always busy in the morning and they will always just simple eat something or don’t even take their breakfast, am I right? This will causes you lack a lot of multi-vitamins. In the afternoon, you can drink a cup of fruit juice, it not only provide you a lot of vitamins it also provide energy for you to fight your work 
3) DIY fruit juice is always better than Packed Drink in market
I know, you prefer buy from the market instead of making it by yourself right? Lazy? Troublesome? Actually, DIY fruit juice is much better than packed drink, why? Packed beverage normally it done by chemical stuff and it will not much REAL vitamins inside, it also added some preservative and taste chemical. Drinking chemical mixer beverage or drink 100% DIY fruit juice? That your choice 
鲜艳彩诱人、味道鲜美、营养丰富 – 果汁,也是现今MM最喜爱的日常饮品。常喝果汁,不但能健康身体,还能美容养颜,让你的皮肤滑滑的。但是,喝果汁也很讲究,在不适当的时候喝了可会伤身哦~那,怎么喝果汁才最完美呢?
2.最佳时间– 上午
This entry was posted in DIY Fruit Juice [自制果汁]
Tags: DIY fruit juice, Fruit juice, good for your healthy, 健康身体, 增味剂, 日常饮品, 果汁, 果汁有利于养颜, 白领一族, 皮肤滑滑, 维生素, 美容养颜, 自制果汁, 防腐剂
Tags: DIY fruit juice, Fruit juice, good for your healthy, 健康身体, 增味剂, 日常饮品, 果汁, 果汁有利于养颜, 白领一族, 皮肤滑滑, 维生素, 美容养颜, 自制果汁, 防腐剂
Monday, March 11, 2013
#3 Kiwi Strawberry Juice Healthy/Slimming Fruit Juice[草莓奇异果汁 - 减肥果汁]
DIY Fruit Juice 3: Kiwi Strawberry Juice
Item: Strawberry, Kiwi
1) Wash the strawberry and put into the salt water about 3 minutes
2) Peel the Kiwi and cut into small pieces
3) Put into the blender and blend it and…and…and….Drink it~~~ Hahaha
1) Wash the strawberry and put into the salt water about 3 minutes
2) Peel the Kiwi and cut into small pieces
3) Put into the blender and blend it and…and…and….Drink it~~~ Hahaha
This fruit juice good for digest system, whitening skin, and improve your sleeping. >.<
This entry was posted in DIY Fruit Juice [自制果汁]
Tags: digest system, improve sleeping, kiwi strawberry juice, whitening skin, 去角质,奇异果草莓汁, 安抚情绪, 帮助消化, 抗氧化, 活肤, 睡得香, 美肤
Tags: digest system, improve sleeping, kiwi strawberry juice, whitening skin, 去角质,奇异果草莓汁, 安抚情绪, 帮助消化, 抗氧化, 活肤, 睡得香, 美肤
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Life of P.S.Y[Pi] Oppa Gangnam Style R.I.P?
PSY Gangnam Style R.I.P? Harlem Shake In?
Currently a lot of people saying that Gangnam Style R.I.P and Harlem Shake in, do you agree? Anyway, as long as you like it and love it, no matter how the trend is, it always is the best right? :)
Cheers and Hope you enjoy the video
Have Fun :)
Thursday, March 7, 2013
#2 Healthy/Slimming Fruit Juice[减肥果汁]
DIY Fruit Juice 2: Mix Fruit Juice
Item: Lemon, Persimmon, Apple
1) Get the lemon juicy
2) Cut the Persimmon and Apple in small piece
3) Put into the blender and blend it, that all
1) Get the lemon juicy
2) Cut the Persimmon and Apple in small piece
3) Put into the blender and blend it, that all
This fruit juice gonna help you detox, slimming, whitening skin and anticancer.
This entry was posted in Empower Network
Tags: Fruit juice, healthy juice, 减肥果汁, 排毒减肥, 果汁, 美容养颜, 自制果汁, 防癌
Tags: Fruit juice, healthy juice, 减肥果汁, 排毒减肥, 果汁, 美容养颜, 自制果汁, 防癌
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Healthy/Slimming Fruit Juice [减肥果汁]
Are you suffering and struggling during your keep fit or slimming period? Do you like something sweet and nice? Why don't you DIY some fresh and sweet fruit juice to drink? It not only delicious it also helping you to slim as well :)
DIY Fruit Juice 1: Orange Ginger Tea
Item: Orange, Ginger, Honey or Sugar
1) Peel the orange and cut the orange skin into small pieces
2) Put the orange skin and 1 piece of ginger into a pot, after water boiling cook another 20mins with slow fire.
3) Filter the marc and add in some honey/sugar.(Cold taste is much nicer)
Now you can drink it~
1) Peel the orange and cut the orange skin into small pieces
2) Put the orange skin and 1 piece of ginger into a pot, after water boiling cook another 20mins with slow fire.
3) Filter the marc and add in some honey/sugar.(Cold taste is much nicer)
Now you can drink it~
This juice will help you warm your stomach, relax your mind and your emo.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Employee equal Suffering?
If you choose to reading company, I know…you are the ONE, the ONE who work like a cow like a dog!!!
Don’t you?!
When we invite and go for the interview, the situation just like…Awesome? Ya, is Awesome~ Those company’s staff all look like friendly~ The interviewer sound good and seem like a lot of benefit they can offer.
Okay, received the confirmation from the company and start to work.
(1 or 2 months later…)
What the xxxx men! What going on?! People start to point you from the back, you never did anything but people said you are playing politic in the office. You work like shit until late night and Boss deduct your salary just because your 15 mins in the morning (some more mrt service down not your fault)
Boss like to saying this “Continue like this, believe us, we will pay you more on your bonus”
What going on after this?
Give you a lot of works, ask you to do for two jobs scope work. Bloody hell!!! Boss fired people and ask you to do! Okay, fine. Fight for the bonus.
But end up? You get nothing! Am I right?! The new year, your Boss trying to talk around and trying to skip your Salary Adjustment or Increment!!!
That why we must take the first step!!! Build our own business!!! Don’t work for your Boss!!! You must earn for yourself and not earn for him to play you around!!!
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