Thursday, February 28, 2013

How much you earn? [Internet, Blogging, Direct Sales, Earn from Home]

If you are a blogger, direct sales, earn from home and so on.
You might heard this question before…
“How much you make through this?”
“Did it work?”
“It is scam?”
“Show me how much you earn from this?”
and you seldom heard this question…
“How you earn? Can you share with me?”
If you are the one asking this question – let me ask you back
“How much you want to earn?”
Any job, any work, any business, any stuff…it can be a way to let you earn a lot of money and it just depend how much effort you put on!
Yes, a lot of people success in direct sales, MLM business. A lot of full time blogger earn byjust blogging. A lot of people work from home, having freedom and wealth.
Why? I know you asking“Why? Why I can’t make money inside there?”
It because…
- You JUST joined. (Yes, you joined and do nothing)
- You JUST doing it about 3 days, 1 week, 3 weeks. (You just give up without any reason)
- You JUST joined, doing it but not serious. (Yes, you joined and do it but you never take it serious.)
Dude, everything come with a price. Don’t tell me that you think you can earn a lot of money but you didn’t invest any!
You can invest more and earn less but you also can invest less and earn more. 
Want to know how? Here are the free video.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Marketing with Facebook – Profile, Group or Page?

Before we move on, let me ask you one question, which platform you should use – Profile? Group? Or Page?
Definitely, you have to have an account (Profile) before you can create a Group or a Page.

Profiles (Facebook account)
Once you sign up with Facebook, you will have an account/profile in Facebook. In your profile, there are some tools which you can leverage on. Such as Chat, Personal Messages, Viewing other Profiles, Comments, and so on. However it is not good enough if you want to promote your brand or Business, WHY? The Key is – a profile, it only allows you have a limited number of friends, 5000 friends/people you can have. As a business, a 5000 people is simply not enough!
Chat – as a Messenger which allow you chatting with your Facebook’s friends
Personal Messages – like an Email In Box (it connected with your chatting history)
Comments – you can comment on other’s posting
Group is more for communities of common interests instead of promoting a brand or product. This is good if you want to set up a private brand or community. You can create a Group and invite your customers in for feedback purposes and discussion about an upcoming product or release.
If you are a brand, organization, celebrity, politician or any other public figure for that matter, the best way to get your name out there is through Facebook Pages. The Facebook Pages layout is more to marketing design and feature. The core thing is – there is no “Liked” limited!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

4 Steps to Increase Your Blog/Website Traffic [Step 4]

Now finally, you come to the last step – step 4.

Fourth Step: Normal Posts (30 minutes per day)

Just like a man does not live by bread alone, a blog does not live by killer articles alone.Normal posts are the one that you will publish routinely in your blog, between the killer articles. For example, you could publish a killer article every Sunday and normal posts from Tuesday to Saturday. Here are some tips for normal posts:
  • a post linking to an article on another blog and containing your opinion about it
  • a post provide information for your readers about a news in your niche
  • a post asking a question to your readers and aiming to initiate a discussion
  • a post highlighting a new resource or trick that you discovered and that would be useful to the readers
While killer articles are essential to promote your blog and bring new readers aboard, normal posts are the one that will create diversity in your content and keep your readers engaged.
Now you learned the 4 steps, you can start to work on it and improve your blog/website traffic and leads.

Good Luck~

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

4 Steps to Increase Your Blog/Website Traffic [Step 3]

Did you follow on the step 1 and step 2 these two days?

If you never start on it, you better go back step 1 and step 2 before u continue on the 3rdstep.
You need to follow the full steps to achieve better goals & results.

Third Step: Promotion (30 minutes per day)

What you needed to do on this step – is promote your killer articles. Whenever you publish one of them, you should push it in any way you can. Examples include:
  • letting the people in your network know about it,
  • let other bloggers and webmasters in relevant niches know about it,
  • get some friends to submit the article to social bookmarking sites,
  • getting some friends to Twitter the article or on Facebook, and
  • post about the article in online forums or newsgroups.
If there is time left, spend it with SEO (search engine optimization), social media marketing and activities to promote your blog as much as possible. Those can range from keyword research to promoting your blog on Facebook and guest blogging.
*You can create a Facebook page to promote your blog/website.

Monday, February 18, 2013

4 Steps to Increase Your Blog/Website Traffic [Step 2]

Yesterday we talk about killer articles. Remember you must spend 1 hour per day to do research and brainstorm for your killer articles. Now we gonna talk about the 2nd step which is Networking.

Second Step: Networking (30 minutes per day)

Networking is essential, necessary, especially when you are just getting started. This 30 minutes that you will dedicate to it every day could be split among:
  • commenting on other blogs/forum in your niche,
  • linking to the posts of bloggers in your niche, and
  • Interacting with the bloggers in your niche via emailSkypeTwitter or Facebook.
Remember, your goal is to build the relationships between others bloggers and also the readers, so don’t approach people just because you think they can help to promote yourblog/website. Approach them because you respect their work and because you think the two of you could grow together. Before a business can work properly, public relationships always is your sales source.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

4 Steps to Increase Your Blog/Website Traffic

Are you still figuring how to get more traffic or lead on your blog/website?
Are you in the trouble?
If you can’t get the traffic or lead, because you ain’t doing right.
This is the most common complaint from bloggers – is the fact that no matter how hard they tried, they can’t grow their blogs past 100 or so daily page views. Those early days are indeed the hardest, because you need to put hard work in without the certainty of achieving results.
If you are in the same situation, here is a simple strategy that will help to increase yourblog/website traffic and make you break the 1,000 daily page views mark. In fact, the strategy could be use even if you are already over that number but have reached a traffic plateau lately.
Just make sure to comply the 4 steps as planned and to spend the 2 hours and a half every day (If you have more time available you can expand the time spent on each of the 4 steps proportionally; the result will more better).

First Step: Killer Articles (1 hour per day)

Spend 1 hour brainstorming, researching and writing killer articles (also called linkbaits, pillar articles and so on).
Notice that your goal is to release one killer article every week. If that is not possible aim for one every 15 days. So the one hour that you will spend every day will be dedicated to the same piece. In other words, a killer article will take about 5 to 10 hours of work.
If you are not familiar with the term, a killer article is nothing more than a long and structured article that has the goal of delivering a huge amount of value to potential visitors. If you have a web design blog, for example, you could write an article with “100 Free Resources for Designers”. Here are some ideas for killer articles:
  • create a long list of resources,
  • write a detailed tutorial teaching people how to do something,
  • find a solution for a common problem in your niche and write about it, or
  • write a deep analysis on a topic where people have only talked superficially
When visitors come across your killer article, you want them to have the following reaction: “God damn it! This is awesome. I better bookmark it. Heck, I better even mention this on my site and on my Twitter/Facebook status, to let my readers and friends know about it.”

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

MLM – Binary System [Earn From Home]

What is Binary Plan?
If you used to listen to Multi-Level Marketing plan, you might know about this.
The Binary plan is an organizational plan uses by MLM organizations wherein new organization members are introduced into a Binary Tree structure, or a left and a right sub-tree.
Normally, one sub-tree is referred to as a Power Leg while the second sub-tree is a Profit Leg.
The Power Leg structure has automatic placement of new members, even by members previously enrolled, or ancestors, to the current member. Since any new members must be placed below their enrolling member, they naturally must fall to an available leaf node of the Binary Tree. Order of placement may be any of Pre-order, In-order or Post-order as determined by either the organization or the enrolling member’s nearest ancestor.
The Profit Leg is those new members who are personally enrolled by the member.
Some members below any node on the tree are automatically placed by a member’s ancestor, while other subordinate members are placed at a specific location in the tree by the member himself.
Compensation in a Binary plan is based upon a formula dependent upon a certain value of sales in the Power Leg matching up with a certain value of sales in the Profit Leg.
ExamplePower LegProfit LegGain/Earn
$ 2000$ 4000$ 2000
$ 4000$ 3000$ 3000
Example A: His Profit Leg has $ 4000 but his Power Leg only has $ 2000, he only can get $ 2000.
Example B: His Power Leg has $ 4000 but his Profit Leg only has $ 3000, he only can get $ 3000.
*Normally, value on Power Leg is more than Profit Leg. You should aim for your Profit Leg.

Often the stated appeal of a binary plan is that your downline or legs grow through the recruiting efforts of those in your upline, your ancestors, in addition to your own efforts and those of members in your downline. In truth this benefit is slight because the new members who are recruited by your ancestors are shared among all the available leaf nodes. For example, your immediate ancestor in the tree only puts half of his new recruits in your downline, on average. Likewise, his ancestor only puts one fourth of his recruits in your downline. Following this argument to the root of the tree, the total approaches just one person recruiting for your downline (1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + … + 1/2n, where is in your tree depth). This is often insignificant in comparison to the number of people required in your downline to make yourself profitable.
 -* Here is the Binary System MLM, FREE MEMBERSHIP *-
Free membership, due date: 18th March 2013

What is SEO? [Earn from Home]

How Empower Network help your business to grow fast?
Empower Network able to get your website up to the first page of the search results. They hire the SEO expert and they also share the service to us. This is why Your Business can grow fast with Empower Network.
How much you know about SEO?
SEO stand for Search engine optimization, is the process of affecting the visibility of a website, a web page in a search engine’s “natural” or un-paid (“organic”) search results. That mean the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users. SEO may target different kinds of search, including keywords search, image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search, and so on.
As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audiences. Optimizing a website, it involve editing content, HTML and associated coding to increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of backlinks, or inbound links, is another SEO tactic.
*SEO a.k.a Search Engine Optimizers for those who provide SEO services.

If you want to make your website or webpage appear on the first page of the search result, you need to know editing content, HTML and a lot of crazy coding. You also need to maintain your website by yourself.
Let me ask you…Do you have such time to maintain all by yourself?
The answer is…NO!!!
Because you need to work during weekday from 9am – 5pm, deduct your travel time from company to your house, dinner, these and that. It’s already around 9 or 10pm.
Okay I know, you will say how about weekend?! Weekend, mostly people will hang out with friends, family, shopping, and so on.
What you need now, is a system that can help you to do all the crazy stuff for you.
That why Empower Network come in! Empower Network help you to handle all the stuff, handle the customer services, provide you a set up-ed Blogging Platform, provides you a series of training and so on.
What you need to do is…
1)     LOG IN
3)     SHARE
Easy like learning A B C, right?
“So what are you waiting for…”
Grab your spot now while you can still get the 75% discount. Click the link below and you’ll get instant access to your blog and your training…
I’ll see you on the inside,
Kalen Beh
PS- Don’t be a wussie, join the ranks of the real players and make money from ANYTHING you touch.

*Earn from home, that is the Dream job for every people.
Who don’t want to have Freedom and Wealth at the same time?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Work Less & Get More? [Earn From Home]

Nowadays, people like to work less but get higher paid, are You?
Here got a chance for you, what you need to do is…
- Blogging every day
- Share your business
- Collect money
Sound good, isn’t it?
You might thinking…”Don’t fxxking bluff me dude, there is no such thing in this world!”
I’m going to tell you, if you doing it right, it can be the truth!
Empower Network provide you the chance to having the opportunity to earn the Unlimited Money by using their Blogging System.
WHY? Why must choose Empower Network and not others?
Empower Network not only provide you the Blogging System, it also providing you the training(Fast start training video), SEO and so on.
The training video going to teach you how to do and what to do with your blogging. You will learn the things that you need and that will become your weapon, your Earning Weapon.
Don’t you think it so amazing? You still earning while you still sleeping.
Don’t you think it so fantasy? You create sales by just blogging.
Don’t you think it so marvelous? You make money online and the amount already exceed your current salary.

Earn from home is not a dream, it just depending on yourself. How much effort you willing to put?
Let’s me ask you one question:
How much you want to earn through Empower Network?”
$1000 per month?
$2000 per month?
$5000 per month?
$5000 per DAYS…even more
YES, you can earn $5000 per day in Empower Network!!!
The core thing is, how much effort you put!
As I always said, there is no free lunch in this world.
If you just work 2 hours per week, is that possible for you to earn more money?If you work 12 hours every day, it is possible for you to earn $5000 per days.
In Empower Network, you might just need to work 5 hours a day or even less to earn $5000 per days.
Why? Because Empower Network has the proven system and the system is the weapon for you to earn more but work less.
This is what you dream for…don’t you? Work Less Get More.
So what you waiting for? Let’s join us and we will guide you how to do and be the part of the $5000 per day member!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

[Empower Network System] How much it cost you?

“How much is this going to cost You…”
Let’s put this into perspective using REAL numbers…
1st, you need a domain and hosting.
Domain from GoDaddy- $20.00 (private registration)
Dedicated IP hosting from BlueHost- $300.00
SSL certificate- $50.00
Site Backup- $13.00
Total- $383.00 per year.(And that’s the cheap part…)
You also need a GOOD designer that knows all about web conversion. (And finding a designer like that is NOT easy). They have to build out your kick ass template to convert visitors into sales. Expect to pay in the $5000.00 range.
Next, you need a programmer to install your databases, FTP your files, secure your site, code your files, and handle all the tech stuff to get you online.
Average wage for a good programmer is $150.00 an hour. Expect to pay for about 4 hours to start. I’m not even including the times in the future when something breaks and you have to hire them to fix it.
Total start up $600.00
And to get ‘free traffic‘ rolling in, you can…
A) Stay up day and night hanging out in the forums trying to learn the newest, hottest, black hat SEO strategy that will get you to the top of Google
B) You can hire an SEO expert to do all the ‘dirty work’ for you
C) You can leverage the authority of the Empower Network viral blogging platform and get instant authority and rankings in the search engines because the search engines love our community of bloggers, our established domain and the hundreds-of-thousands of pages of unique content on our site.
But, let’s just day you want to be stubborn and do things your way — and you decide to hire an SEO expert. Guess what, good ones START at $5000.00 a month.
So when we add everything up…
Doing everything yourself will cost you conservatively $65,383.00 your first year.
Want to know a secret? Currently we pay around $75,000.00 A MONTH just to keep TheViral Blog Platform operating like a well-oiled machine.
The good news is you’re not going to pay $75,000.00 a month like we do. Not even close…
And you won’t even pay $5448.00 a month (That’s $65,383.00 divided by 12 if you did everything yourself)…
You won’t even have to pay $497.00 a month which would actually be a good deal…
Not even $97.00 a month which would be just insane…
And not even $49.00 a month which is highway robbery…
Your final price today for everything you see here is just a measly $25 a month, and you can easily cancel at any time if you’re not blown away.
Dave was not too crazy about this price. So I made a deal with him. After we reach a certain number of members we are raising the price back to the original $97.00 like we had first planned.
And we are fast approaching that number… don’t wait another second, click the link below before it’s too late…
Let’s recap what you get…
The Viral Core Blogging System: $497 Value
You get a core “done for you” blogging system, INSTANTLY set-up with all the “bells and whistles”… so I can be ready to generate traffic and leads as soon as you place your order!
8-Part Fast Start Video Training Series: $1497 Value
In this high-value video training series, you’ll discover the most effective ways to leverage your blog (if results are what you’re after), the core “must have” secrets to FAST online business building, and a downloadable PDF “Core Checklist” that will outline your biggest money making details all in one place.
Website Hosting, Design, Theme and Plugins: $247 Value
Because you want to get marketing and making money fast, you don’t want to have to set-up your blog – and here, you don’t have to!
You’ll get free hosting for your blog, a free theme with a sleek design (complete with profit pulling sales psychology), plus valuable paid plugins so you can save money and avoid set-up!
Also, you get a blank theme template included so you can create your own custom look geared towards ANYTHING you’re promoting!
“A word of warning…”
Dave and Dave didn’t get to where they are by being wussies or whiners. They committed to success and never looked back.
That’s what we want YOU to do with this system. We want you to become wildly successful plugging your business into the Viral Blog Platform.
We want you to surround yourself with WINNERS and ditch the losers.
That’s how we run our everyday lives… no wussies allowed in our circle.
So, are you ready to be a winner? Are you ready to let wussies go cry to mommy and whine and complain in the “Wussier Forum”?
Good, glad you’re still here.
We don’t appeal to wussies here by offering any guarantees. We provide the tools, but it’s still up to YOU to use them.
We tell the tire kicking, diaper pants crybabies to get out of town. We have no time for them to waste our time and bandwidth just because they’re curious.
We hate serial refunders, so we just don’t let their diseased kind in here in the first place. This is where the winners go. This is where people ready to take action and change their lives go.
We make no promise or income claims, because that part is up to you. Again, we provide the tools, the blueprint, and do all the tech work for you, all you need is to be committed to yourself and your business.
You still here? Are you committed?
Congratulations, you’re the kind of person we want in our circle. By now I think we’ve eliminated the people who don’t belong here.
Imagine for a moment…
You’ve got your blog set up, you’re following the eight core commitments, and you’ve got mad, effortless traffic flooding your blog uncontrollably…
Its morning, no alarm clock, you got up when you felt good and ready, and you grab a nice hot beverage or juice…
You open your email and see line after line saying “Congratulations, you’ve got a commission”… and that’s about the hardest work you’ll have to do for the day…
Maybe you walk the dog while you decide what YOU feel like doing today…
Do you go play golf? Maybe plan your next vacation? Go to the beach? Go shopping just for the hell of it?
Or maybe you just relax and do nothing!
The point is the choice is 100% yours. No “Bosshole” telling you what to do. You are free and your time is yours.
Oh, and all the people who thought you were badshit crazy to try that whole internet thing are eating their words and sheepishly asking YOU how to change their lives.
And imagine this… You get an email from your primary company saying you’re the number one affiliate. They want to fly you FIRST CLASS, all expenses paid to a special awards convention to honor YOU.
It’s a good feeling, isn’t it.
“So what are you waiting for…”
Grab your spot now while you can still get the 75% discount. Click the link below and you’ll get instant access to your blog and your training…
I’ll see you on the inside,
Kalen Beh
PS- Don’t spend $65,383.00 your first year trying to get your blog set up and getting traffic. We do all the hard work without breaking the bank thanks to the Viral Blogging Platform.
PPS- 73,000 people and counting can’t be wrong, this system ROCKS. And you can get it today for 75% off the normal price… but you have to act fast.
PPPS- Don’t be a wussie, join the ranks of the real players and make money from ANYTHING you touch.

*Earn from home, that is the Dream job for every people.
Who don’t want to have Freedom and Wealth at the same time?